How to Avoid High Shipping Fees on Shopee as a Seller?
Jayson 11 Jul 2024 12:39EN
If you have recently experienced a negative balance on your Shopee orders, it could be due to shipping overcharge.
What is a shipping overcharge? How can you avoid being charged this overcharge? In this post, we will discuss all of these questions.
But what exactly is Shipping Overage in Shopee's terms? Let's explain it this way:
When you list a product on Shopee, you have to enter the weight and dimensions of the item, but when the courier brings your product to the customer, sometimes there is a difference between the dimensions you entered and the dimensions measured by the courier. Therefore, an additional fee is added to the shipping fee to make up for the measurement error.

On the other hand, it could be due to the extra weight of the bubble wrap and item packaging that caused the courier to think the item was heavier.

Shopee will coordinate with the courier to verify what the actual shipping cost for a particular order is and then update the records on the Shopee API. If the shipping cost needs to be adjusted, Shopee will communicate with both parties involved (sellers and buyers).
Due to this process, it takes three to five business days for the payment to be reflected in the seller's balance.

If your item weighs about 1 kg, it is best to record it as 1.3 kg on your product listing.
This way, you can avoid paying shipping overage fees because the courier does not weigh the item, but the entire package along with the bubble wrap and box.

You can also mange the shipping fee on BigSeller. BigSeller is a free Southeast Asian e-commerce ERP system that provides e-commerce sellers with one-stop e-commerce solutions. With the feature of shipping fee mange, BigSeller will auto-calculate the discrepancy between marketplace-charged and customer-paid shipping fees. You’ll no longer need to calculate the shipping fee manually, and you can quickly know the overcharged shipping fee.

What is a shipping overcharge? How can you avoid being charged this overcharge? In this post, we will discuss all of these questions.
1. What Is The Shopee Shipping Fee Overcharge?
Shipping overcharge is an additional fee incurred during the shipping of an item, which is usually borne by the seller.But what exactly is Shipping Overage in Shopee's terms? Let's explain it this way:
When you list a product on Shopee, you have to enter the weight and dimensions of the item, but when the courier brings your product to the customer, sometimes there is a difference between the dimensions you entered and the dimensions measured by the courier. Therefore, an additional fee is added to the shipping fee to make up for the measurement error.

2. Why Does This Happen?
On one hand, the discrepancy could be due to the seller not actually taking the time to measure the item. Instead, he just guessed the weight of the item based on experience.On the other hand, it could be due to the extra weight of the bubble wrap and item packaging that caused the courier to think the item was heavier.

3. How Does Shopee Mitigate This Issue?
As sellers have received numerous complaints about negative balances when orders are delivered, Shopee's course of action is to temporarily flag orders with abnormally high shipping costs.Shopee will coordinate with the courier to verify what the actual shipping cost for a particular order is and then update the records on the Shopee API. If the shipping cost needs to be adjusted, Shopee will communicate with both parties involved (sellers and buyers).
Due to this process, it takes three to five business days for the payment to be reflected in the seller's balance.

4. What You Can Do To Prevent Shipping Fee Overcharge
As a seller, it is best to bring a weighing device home so that you can accurately determine the weight and dimensions of your items. After doing so, you need to take into account the exact weight.If your item weighs about 1 kg, it is best to record it as 1.3 kg on your product listing.
This way, you can avoid paying shipping overage fees because the courier does not weigh the item, but the entire package along with the bubble wrap and box.

You can also mange the shipping fee on BigSeller. BigSeller is a free Southeast Asian e-commerce ERP system that provides e-commerce sellers with one-stop e-commerce solutions. With the feature of shipping fee mange, BigSeller will auto-calculate the discrepancy between marketplace-charged and customer-paid shipping fees. You’ll no longer need to calculate the shipping fee manually, and you can quickly know the overcharged shipping fee.

BigSeller Shipping Fee Manage